Monday, December 12, 2011

Reason for the Blog

My workplace recently put on a dance for some of the freshmen at Brigham Young University. The dress code was semi-formal, but I was appalled by the outfits that some of the guests wore. Three young women showed up wearing baggy sweatpants. A group of young men appeared wearing jeans and tucked-in T-shirts. One guy even tried to get into the dance wearing basketball shorts. I'm sure that many of them were doing it just to get attention, but it was inappropriate at the time (and many of my coworkers agreed with me).

We live in a interesting time- a time filled with text messaging, emails, and smart phones, many of which didn't even exist ten years ago. Much of the proper etiquette of the past has been deemed "old fashioned" and "obsolete." The purpose of this blog is to prove that correct behavior isn't a thing of the past. In fact, it's more critical in today's time that it ever has been in the past.

Don't worry, this isn't a blog about "Jane Austin" style etiquette, about which fork to use and which tie to wear to which occasion. Instead there will be posts on how to write an email to a professor, how to dress for interviews, how to text someone so that the recipient can actually understand what you're trying to say, and how to live positively in an age that is getting increasingly more busy- all things that are directly applicable at almost any time.

So stay tuned. More posts to follow.